Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Topic #3

This video is showing a underwater volcano of the coast of Indonesia. Since volcanoes usually are located along plate boundaries, this shows that Indonesia is located next to a plate boundary. Having a plate boundary near Indonesia can show that the country is very mountainous and also has many volcanoes located on and around it. The underwater volcano is said to be  more than 10,000 feet off of the ocean floor. At the boundaries of tectonic plates, there can be deep water trenches that form. I would say that a 10,000 feet underwater volcano would have to be in a deep water trench.

I selected this video because the thought of having found new animal species, on this underwater volcano, to be very interesting. Adding to my curiosity was the fact that this volcano is 10,000 feet off the ocean floor, yet is still under water.

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