Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Topic #11

This map shows how the U.S. differs in it's slang terms for soft drinks. The blue represents "pop", red is "coke" and yellow is "soda". It is interesting how "pop" is mostly the Northern/ Northwestern US, "coke" is mostly the Southeastern US and then "Soda" is split between the Southwestern US, Northeastern US, and then an area around St. Louis. It would be interesting to know how the split of "soda" came about. I also found the county that I live in, which is Otoe County, NE and it is 90-100% "pop". From living there, I can say that this is probably true so this map is most likely accurate.

Blog Topic #10

I believe that the foreign aid given to Sub-Saharan Africa is a huge waste of money. While there will be money needed to get their economy rolling, it should not be to the extent that is it. I think that instead of giving those countries the money, we should be teaching them how to earn the money and use it to develop their country. Sort of like do we give them fish, or teach them how to fish. I go with the later since that can be used for many years down the road and not just until the money runs out.

Another reason why the foreign aid should be cut is because part of it, if not most, is being embezzled by individuals anyway. If the money we give them is not going to be put to use for the public, then why would  we give them money at all. This is why we should help Africa to set up governments and stimulate their economies with the goal of making African countries independent from foreign aid, for the most part.

Blog Topic #9- Libya

There have been violent protests taking place in Libya for several months now. They began in February 2011 when around 500 people, in front of police headquarters, began chanting in protest. The police ended the protest through violent means which angered many and fueled the start of a rebellion. Libyan citizens want the reign of Muammar Gaddafi to end since they feel that they are being oppressed by his leadership. The Libyan people are rebelling in hope of dethroning Gaddafi and setting up a democratic government in Libya.


Blog Topic #8

While flying around the world with Google maps, I found that the Pacific Ocean is much larger than I had ever expected or imagined. This image shows that almost an entire hemisphere of the Earth is one large ocean. This also put into perspective just how much Hawaii is in the middle of nowhere. Being on a flight from the Western Coast of the United States to Antarctica would also be very interesting on a sunny day. From what I see there is no landmass that would be crossed by the airplane on the whole trip. While looking out of the window might get boring after a while, knowing that all you can see is the Pacific Ocean would be a neat experience. I just wouldn't want there to be any mechanical troubles on the flight, since finding an airport for an emergency landing could very well be impossible.

Blog Topic #7- Opium

Opium production in Afghanistan is a very big issue around the world, and even more so for the U.S. military. This is because the majority of the money that comes from the selling of this opium directly funds the Taliban. Which is who the U.S. is at war with right now. In 2000, Afghanistan produced around 4,000 tons of Opium which was estimated to be around 75% of the worlds supply.

What is Opium? Opium is the milky substance that is drained from the Opium Poppy plant, which is then made into heroin and sold around the world. 

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Opium Poppy with "milk" running from a cut
During the Taliban's rule of Afghanistan, there was the largest recorded production of Opium in 1999 with 4,500 tons. Then in the summer of 2000, the Taliban ruler Mullah Mohammed Omar, began to work with the UN to rid Afghanistan of Opium. This resulted in a 91% reduction in Opium cultivation but lasted very shortly.   The collapse of the economy in fall 2001, led to Afghan farmers to resort back to opium production to support their families. After Hamid Karzai became president in 2004, the next years had record productions of opium. As many Afghan farmers want their government to turn a blind eye to the opium production, the government has done so. Without the Afghan government enforcing that their be no opium production I see no end to the production in Afghanistan. This also means that there will be little hope of ending the funding to the Taliban and Al Qaeda organizations.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Topic #6

Bunnies Hop the Great Firewall

The Chinese Government has censored what their citizens can browse on the internet. They have done this by creating a "Great Firewall". The firewall was created by Fang Binxing, the president of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Fang has been receiving a lot of criticism over this firewall and has even had to shut down a blog that he created due to the hateful nature of some posts. The firewall was created to censor the 3 T's, which are Tibet, Tianeman Square, and Taiwan. The government has supposedly done this to reduce the likelihood of a rebellion.

The Article listed above is about a cartoon that was created about a bunny playing in a field. Since the Chinese year of the rabbit began February 3rd, the video looks like it is a tribute to this new year, according to the article. The article goes on to explain how the video turns out to be a revolutionary call to arms. This is an example of how the Chinese are starting to find ways around the firewall to get their message out.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog Topic #5

International Fast Food

The image above shows the proportion of McDonald's restaurants that were open throughout the world in 2004. As you can see, the United States has by far the most with 45%. Globalization is occurring in the more developed countries throughout the world. This is why Europe, Japan, and Canada are also very large on this map. The countries that are the least developed almost not even shown on the map. This is shown by almost the whole African Continent. The size of the Country is almost a direct reflection of how developed the nation is. More Developed Countries are usually more susceptible to globalization. McDonald's is a global company, so the more of these restaurants a country has, the more developed or globalized it is.